Inspiring Effects

A primary aim of the project is to investigate how exposure to inspirational media content might impact the lives of individuals. More specifically, we seek to understand how media content might further develop the character virtue of transcendence, by exploring the role of media content in emotional experiences that benefit self and others, in the development of an “others-benefitting” perspective, and as a force for positive social change. To that end, we are in the process of conducting a series of experimental studies into the short-term psychological impacts of consuming inspirational media, as well as the long-term behavioral effects of doing so. Through these studies, we will ask:

  • What are the short- and long-term cognitive, emotional, psychological, and social effects of consuming inspiring media messages?,
  • How might people be motivated to seek out or share inspiring media messages more often?, and
  • How can consuming such media lead to character development and in turn positive social change?

We will post findings from these studies here as soon as they are available. Please check back.